Even in Chaos, God is Never Far from You

When the devil fights you from outside and cannot bring you down, he tries to fight from within. Nevertheless, as Jesus said to the apostles in today’s Gospel passage, when you face such attacks, “Do not be afraid.”(John 6:20). Even in chaos, God is never far from you.

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Even in Chaos, God is Never Far from You

Know this, no matter what your fears may be, never neglect Prayer and Bible Study. You may have to get down to work but no matter how much work you do, never assume you are busier than God. He knows what you are going through and He is more than capable of rescuing you.

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Come Oh Holy Spirit, fill us with a Fresh Anointing

What is the essence of speaking in tongues if there is no love in our hearts? What is the essence of shouting and jumping in the church if upon going back to our homes, we bear grudges, think evil thoughts, and allow sin dominate our lives? If the gift of speaking in tongues was necessary on the day of Pentecost to aid the spread of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, I believe that what we need most today in Nigeria, (a country at the brink of destruction because of corruption at all levels) is the gift of telling the truth and acting according to our conscience. Elections are just around the corner again and so many lies are flying about. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us to avoid making the same mistakes over again.

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