Receiving the Kingdom of God like a Child

Job was not privileged to attend the meeting where his matter was discussed. Little did he know that his unfortunate circumstance was not coincidental. Job had no idea that he was being tested. Yet, he passed the test. We are told: “In all these, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.” Job’s success came from his childlike attitude and his willingness to accept things as they are.

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John the Baptist and the Rest of Us

In John the Baptist, we learn that no human life comes into existence randomly. God does the selection, arrangement, and planning. We existed in God’s mind even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 says: “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb.”

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Silence Refines Our Hearts

Let us learn to be silent, even if it is just for a few minutes every day. And as we celebrate Christmas, it would help to play Zechariah by taking time for quiet reflection.

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Blessed Are the Humble

Pride makes us think we know everything. It prevents us from learning anything new. Like a cup full of water, we can’t take any more water. As a result of pride, we find ourselves arguing with everyone and challenging them in every instance. What makes pride dangerous is that it is an invisible vice. I can never see my pride. In other words, I need others to tell me whether or not I am proud and when they do, I consider it an insult.

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Let the Children Come to Me

A parent once asked a priest: “At what age do I start teaching my child how to pray?” In return, the priest asked, “How old is your child now.” She replied: “He will be four years in two months.” “Then you are four years late already,” said the priest. We do our children a great disservice when we do not allow them to attend catechism classes, but we want them to receive the sacraments.

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How Blessed Are the Humble

There is an African proverb that says, if a child washes his hands very well, he would be invited to seat at the table and eat with elders. In other words, if we are humble, regardless of our size and status, we would be granted access to high places.

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