There is Love in Sharing

The way and manner in which we become converted vary. Some people’s conversions were rather dramatic, some not so. The “how” is not so important. What matters is that at some point in our lives, we become true Christians, true followers of Jesus, and fully convinced about Jesus. And one way we know we are converted is when we stop being shy about spreading the Good News.

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The Second Chance

The day you can handle a microphone and confess your sins in public (as St. Paul did in today’s first reading) is the day you will be free. As long as we keep pretending to be saints in public while indulging in evil behind closed doors, repentance continues to elude us.

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Today is Your Last Chance

Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. If you hide your sin, it will eventually expose you. That which you don’t want people to know will be used to remember you after you have gone. Think about this, today is your last chance; repent, reconsider your evil plans, and retrace your steps.

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The Second Chance

As far as you repent today, your past does not matter anymore. Once you drop the old ways, do not go back again. Invite Jesus into your heart and believe in his presence with you always, believe you have the power to overcome sin, the power even to raise back to life those aspects that were dead as a result of bad habits.

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There is Love in Sharing

Bartholomew was touched merely by the fact that Jesus saw him under the fig tree. He was convinced immediately that only a Son of God could have known he was under a fig tree at that time. What was he doing under the fig tree? Could it be that Jesus was saying: “Young man, I know your secret oh.” Anyway, we would not be celebrating him today if he did not stick to Jesus and remain with him to death.

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The Second Chance.

Dear friend, come back to God today. He will not only give you another chance, He would make you His shining star. There is just no limit to what God can accomplish through you.

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Jesus is Knocking; He Wants to Eat with You

When we desire to see Jesus, there is always going to be an obstacle; a stumbling block or a set-back. Zacchaeus’ obstacle was his height. Just see how he used the sycamore tree to solve this problem. What is your obstacle; your weakness or your limitation? What efforts are you making to remove whatever is preventing you from full communion with Jesus?

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