You cannot give what you do not have. Like these disciples, you can only preach the Gospel after you have spent time with Jesus. Show me any good preacher, and I will show you someone who spends time with God’s Word daily. Jesus is still looking for people to continue His mission of saving the world. Pray and study the Bible more if you feel called to be a disciple. Jesus will open your eyes to see many things you never imagined before.
Read MoreThe Pharisees strongly criticised Jesus for breaking the Sabbath law. These Pharisees were always with Jesus. Instead of discovering what made Jesus and his disciples hungry to eat grains from the farm, they were only concerned about the “breaking of the law.” Do not be discouraged by your critics. Hope in God, not in human applause.
Read MoreWhat have you left behind to follow Jesus? In other words, what is the cost of your discipleship? What do you have to let go to remain a Christian? If truly you have not left anything behind, it means your faith is a matter of convenience. The danger in this is that you could easily fall away in moments of trials. This explains why some Christians move from one “solution house” to another, not minding if they partake in idol worship. Christianity is not only about what we stand to gain from God; it is about carrying our crosses and following Jesus’ footsteps.
Read MoreWhen we face troubles, challenges and difficulties, when things do not go as we planned, when we are tossed from all sides by the waves of disappointments, falsehood, failures, betrayals, setbacks, etc., we tend to ask questions such as, “God, where are you?” “Why me?” “Why this?” and “Why that?” Today, God says: “Even in your troubles, I am still with you.”
Read MoreWe often ask ourselves, “Where do I start? What impact will I even make?” Jesus came to save the whole world, and He had only thirty-three years to live on earth, thirty of which were spent in preparation. Today, the work Jesus began is still changing lives. The good you begin today, no matter how small, could snowball into something great; it might even outlive you.
Read MoreJesus did not do guesswork in his choice of the apostles. He didn’t select them according to their good looks or profession. He spent a whole night in prayer, consulting with God, who has plans, before making his choice.
Read MoreThat “one thing” needed is to seek God’s kingdom first. While you search for your daily bread, live righteously; pursue integrity, justice, purity, and love your neighbour as yourself. Make sure you avoid sin and entrust your difficulties to God. Don’t stay up all night worrying. Do that which is within your power and leave the rest to God. God can change your story within the twinkle of an eye. He can turn things around like He did for Job
Read MoreBy saying we should cut off our hands and feet and pluck our eyes, Jesus wants us to realise that we have power over sin and that the causes of sin are right within us. Stop blaming the devil for your sinful actions. It is what is inside you, not what is outside you, that is making you fall into sin. Jesus is not asking us to cut our bodies physically; rather, he wants us to cut off those bad thoughts, imaginations and desires within us that lead us to sin.
Read MoreFor Jesus, greatness is not having others serve you but becoming a servant to others. “If anyone wishes to be first (great), he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35). In Matthew’s version of this passage, Jesus says: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3-4).
Read MoreWe all possess some inherent goodness. Even as a Tax Collector, Matthew had unique gifts for the ministry. One problem Christians often face is competing with one another rather than collaborating to build up God’s kingdom on earth. God has blessed us with various gifts to let our light shine so that “men may see our good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (cf. Matthew 5:16). God has not blessed us to outshine one another.
Read MoreDon’t be foolish and cheat yourself by staying away from Holy Communion. Let your desire to receive Holy Communion daily become your greatest motivation to live above sin, avoid temptations, have a pure heart, and study the Bible. The more Communion you receive, the stronger you become spiritually, and the fewer temptations overpower you.
Read MoreChildren who grow up without any idea of God end up becoming spiritually deficient. Let your children come to God. Take them to Sunday School. Let them participate in the catechism class. For many of us, those things we learnt in catechism as children sustain our Christian faith to this day. Those who say: “I don’t want to indoctrinate my child. I want the child to grow up and decide for himself whether or not to believe in God or follow religion”, always end up having social media carry out negative indoctrination for them.
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