Live Everyday As If It Is Your Last

Remember the end; even the air you breathe is borrowed, and you will have to relinquish it someday. Do not be attached to anything on earth, not even the hurts of others. Forgive quickly, and take life easy. What troubles you now will not matter if you die, so just let it go. In summary, try to live every day as if it is your last day on earth. This will help you be at your best.

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Never Try to Challenge God

The story of the Tower of Babel can be likened to the story of the Titanic. It was said about that great ship that “nothing can sink it, not even God.” In the end, the ship sank. Another way we challenge God is by living in total disregard for God’s commandments. I have heard many who argue that Christianity only exists to put fear in our minds and prevent us from using our brains. This was the exact same thing the serpent said to Eve while tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit.

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God Disciplines Those He Loves

To be a disciple is to be a student or to learn something from one’s teacher and since learning involves pain, it may also be referred to as discipline. As disciples of God, the book of Hebrews today, tells us that there are times God disciplines us not out of hatred but because he wants us to learn. Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.

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Never Disregard the Discipline of God

Like Jesus’ kinsfolk, we need to ask ourselves today: “Why do I look down on what is my own? What is stopping me from seeing beyond the Carpenter’s son? Why is it that I cannot see the hand of God even in midst of this painful situation I am facing right now?

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