The Fasting That Pleases God

Avoid following the crowd. Your fasting should be between you and God. Am I fasting because it is fasting season (or because I see others fasting)? What exactly do I hope to achieve by my fasting? Don’t fast if you have no prayer intention (purpose), lest you constantly check the time. This is self-deception.

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The Fasting That Pleases God

Fasting is not merely a deprivation from food or other pleasurable things; it is a spiritual exercise that involves our whole being. If we fast and engage in quarreling, fighting, or acts of wickedness, Isaiah says these things will prevent our fasting from reaching heaven. If you must fast, let not your hunger become an occasion for anger, fighting, or bitterness. It is better to eat well and control your temper than to allow your hunger to push you into sin.

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A Time for Fasting Will Surely Come

For Jesus, that wasn’t the right time to fast. Not that there was anything wrong with fasting but that everything, no matter how good, has its season. New wine is good, old wine is also good. Some prefer old wine, and some will rather take fresh wine. But then, there is a type of bag (season) for old wine and a different bag for new wine. There is a timing for everything.

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