Throw Away Doubts and Your Fears Will Vanish

When Peter and the other apostles gave up their doubts (about Jesus’ resurrection), they became completely different persons; they were no longer afraid of anybody. Even the chief priests and religious leaders became scared of them. They wondered how “uneducated, common men” could be so bold and powerful (even performing miracles). No wonder St. Paul said timidity is not a gift of the Holy Spirit.

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The Envy and Fear of the Jews

Like Herod, who killed all the male children born at the time for fear of a rival king, the chief priests and Pharisees couldn’t stomach the idea of Jesus replacing them. Are there people I wish dead because they are far better than me (in school, business, career, church work, etc.)? Do I feel threatened by others’ progress?

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Fear Makes Us Take Wrong Decisions.

Fear is often caused by a lack of faith coupled with our ignorance of the truth. The bad news is that fear paralyses us leading us to very bad decisions. The good news however is that ninety-nine per cent of our fears would never happen

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Use Your Faith to Cure Your Fear

Faith makes us relax even when others are panicking. Mind you, being relaxed is not the same thing as spiritual laxity. That Jesus was asleep during a storm did not mean he was asleep all through the day. He was such a prayerful person that he would wake very early in the morning to pray and at times pray all through the night.

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