I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

God knows how it feels to be so hungry that you begin to chew paper (or anything that meets your eye). Whether we like it or not, there is hunger in our country today; people are ready to do anything to survive. We may want to judge them like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus and his disciples. However, before pointing fingers at anybody, ask yourself: “What have I done to help?”

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Do Not Labour For Food that perishes

Not everyone who argues with you on matters of doctrine is interested in knowing the truth. Over the years, I have engaged in arguments regarding church teachings such as the doctrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary, life after death, devotion to the saints, the number of books in the Bible and so on. I have never won any of these arguments.

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Even in Chaos, God is Never Far from You

When the devil fights you from outside and cannot bring you down, he tries to fight from within. Nevertheless, as Jesus said to the apostles in today’s Gospel passage, when you face such attacks, “Do not be afraid.”(John 6:20). Even in chaos, God is never far from you.

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Do You Think God (or The Church) Has Failed You?

In their frustration, the two disciples met Jesus on the way but could not recognise him. They complained: “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21). In other words, they were hoping that Jesus would overthrow the Roman authorities (their colonial masters) and become King of Israel. Jesus said to them: “O foolish men…” Why did Jesus call them foolish?

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The Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ

We can read John 3:16 in this way: “For God so loved the world that He gave us His Body and Blood that whosoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood would have eternal life and be raised on the last day.” (cf. John 6:54). In other words, today we are celebrating God’s greatest gift to humanity; the gift of Himself made readily available in the Holy Eucharist.

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Some Can Eat but Have No Food

Stop trying to conform to evildoers. Walk in the light and tell the truth at all times. Indeed, they would not like you, but your persistence in doing the right thing would make them restless. Even though they attack you publicly, they still go home and cry like babies.

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Even in Chaos, God is Never Far from You

Know this, no matter what your fears may be, never neglect Prayer and Bible Study. You may have to get down to work but no matter how much work you do, never assume you are busier than God. He knows what you are going through and He is more than capable of rescuing you.

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Only Jesus can Quench Your Thirst

You may have suffered from several heartbreaks, cheated on, lied to, abused or insulted. You may have done things that you are not proud of. All these happened because, like the Israelites in the desert, you were “tormented by thirst” – you were searching for love in the wrong place, searching for happiness in a world of fleeting pleasures, searching for satisfaction in created things forgetting that only God can satisfy the deepest yearnings of your heart.

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Food, Life and Death

Food is good but not every food is good for you. No matter how hungry you are, ensure that what you are about to eat will not lead to your destruction. Learn to exercise self-discipline and caution. If you want to live a good life, start by selecting your thoughts just as you would select your food. As there are poisonous foods, so there are poisonous thoughts.

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Trust God and Avoid Bitterness.

The crowd wanted bread but Jesus was offering the Holy Eucharist. Imagine the huge difference in value. Elijah wanted food and water but God removed his hunger and tiredness for a whole forty days. Imagine the huge difference. Flee from bitterness, trust God! He surely has something better ahead of you.

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Do not Labour for the Food which Perishes

If Stephen had set out to work for the food which perishes, he would have backed out when he saw the threat to his life, he would have denied Jesus or run away but he chose to fix his gaze instead in heaven.

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