Do Not Begrudge God’s Generosity

God’s generosity may be seen as “injustice”, but who would survive if God treated us according to our sins? Why do we point fingers at others, forgetting that our so-called goodness is only by God’s grace? Imagine you were the thief who got this express ticket to heaven, the prodigal son, or the worker hired very late; wouldn’t you be happy? How would you respond to those angry with God, saying you do not deserve such love?

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You Cannot Serve Both God and Money

If making money stops you from your daily prayers or stops you from attending church as you would normally do before, if you find yourself doing things that are against your conscience just for the sake of making money, the truth is that money has become your master.

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To be Born Anew is to Repent from Selfishness

Instead of complaining about not having this or that, instead of saying you don’t have as much as you desire, why not open your eyes to the even worse conditions of many around you? Why not remind yourself that soon enough, you would have to relinquish everything you are working and praying hard now to get.

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