Carry the Yoke that Brings Rest to Your Soul

Are you troubled? Is your heart restless? You can’t find sleep at night? Get down on your knees and talk to Jesus. Go to the Blessed Sacrament and sit before Jesus. Carry His Yoke – Keep doing what is right. However tough as this yoke may seem, it is lighter than the yoke of running to the devil for a solution or abandoning your faith out of annoyance.

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Jesus Christ: God’s Word to Humanity

Christmas is such a wonderful love story. God’s way of vocalising “I Love You” was by giving us the greatest gift ever: the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. It doesn’t end there; God gave us Jesus Christ to die for us. Could there be any better way of saying: “I Love You”?

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Learn from the Gentle and Lowly Heart of Jesus

Learning from Jesus entails learning to forgive others. This is the yoke we must bear, but as Jesus says, it is easier than we think and is vital to finding rest for our souls. John tells us in today’s second reading, “Let us love one another (including our enemies), for he who does not love does not know God.” (1 John 4:7-8) If our hearts cannot love as Jesus loved, we have yet to learn from Him.

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Carry the Yoke (and Burden) that Brings Rest for Your Soul.

When Jesus says we should carry his yoke, he speaks figuratively referring to those things we must do as his followers. Like a farmer ties a yoke on oxen in order to use them to work on the farm, Jesus wants us to carry His Yoke; be controlled by his teaching; to work in promoting God’s kingdom. Moreover, Jesus went further to add that this yoke is easy and the burden (sacrifices, pains, commitments) that come with carrying the yoke is very light.

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