Give, And It Shall Be Given Unto You

Regardless of your religion or denomination, life will always give you an abundance of whatever you give to others. It doesn’t matter whether you are the person who offended first; the golden rule is that whatever you give out must return to you. This is why Jesus told us to love our enemies and do good to them.

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Be Merciful, Forgive.

It surely makes a lot of sense to revenge on the wrongs done to us by others, to teach them a lesson or to show them that we are not to be toiled with. This is often the message in all our action movies – it is the wisdom of the world. However, as Christians, Jesus expects us to operate with a higher level of wisdom; one that sounds foolish to the world, a wisdom that forgives, that turns the other cheek after receiving a slap, a wisdom that says: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

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