Nigeria: A Nation in Need of Repentance

Nigeria is ranked as one of the most religious countries in the world. However, Isaiah’s prophecy about Isreal is true of Nigeria – “these people draw near with their mouths and honour me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me.” (Isaiah 29:13). Nigeria is a nation badly in need of repentance. If Jonah were to visit Nigeria today, his message would be simple: “Forty days more, and Nigeria shall be overthrown!” (Jonah 3:4). This is a message we must hear as we celebrate our independence today.

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To Lust is to Commit Adultery in Your Heart

The contents of your mind today mirror what your life will be like tomorrow. To create anything, that thing has to first exist in your mind (imagination); our minds have creative power. We can choose what becomes of us simply by choosing our thoughts.

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A Christian Worker's Guide to Fruitfulness

As a worker in any field, pay attention to your spiritual life and do not depend solely on your human efforts and skills. Jesus tells us today: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” Listen to Jesus daily. Obey God’s commandments. Do not worship money.

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St. Joseph: Model of Fatherhood

The Bible describes Joseph as a just man. (Matthew 1:19). This means he was a man of integrity. He was well-respected in the community. He had a good name. He was a man of justice. He was not wayward and believed in always doing what was right. Can it be said about me that I am a just person? Do I practice selective integrity?

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No One is Without Gifts; Repent from Envy

Like the brothers of Joseph in the Old Testament, we could become so overwhelmed by envy that we begin to think that our survival depends on eliminating others. We begin to think that we can only shine when we quench that of others. This is the insanity of the envious mind.

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Lessons from the Presentation of Jesus Christ

Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple to do what the law prescribed. They knew that Jesus is God, yet they obeyed the law, presenting God to God. In other words, they knew there was no need to bring the baby Jesus to the temple, but in humility (not wanting to appear like the special ones in their community), they followed the law.

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Celebrating Mary, Mother of God

To celebrate Christmas is to agree that God was born a man, but then, to agree that God was born a man is also to agree that God elevated a woman to become His mother at the incarnation. While it is easy for us to believe and accept the mystery of God taking human flesh, it is not so easy for us to believe and accept the mystery of Mary taking the exalted title of ‘Mother of God.’

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How To Turn Your Family Into A Holy Family

There are no perfect families. There are only human families, and humans have flaws, weaknesses and limitations. St. Paul would say: “The good I want to do, I don’t do it, but I end up doing the evil I don’t want.” You may not be happy about your family, but do not assume your family is the worst. It is with this understanding that our readings today offer us useful tips on how to improve the situation of our families.

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

We behave like Herod when we don’t let others shine. Whenever we hold on to power, even to the detriment of others, we act like Herod. We may condemn Herod’s action, but when we examine our conscience, we realize we have done worse than Herod in the past. How often have I felt so threatened by the success of others to the extent of doing all in my power to pull them down, get them out of the way, or even eliminate them?

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The Heroic Role of Joseph’s Faith

Joseph deserves a lot of heroic commendation for his Faith. By obeying the Angel, Joseph showed that he believed in the possibility of God taking flesh in the womb of a person. Joseph believed strongly that with God, all things are possible.

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The Special Family of Jesus

Anyone who hears God’s Word and puts it into practice is automatically a family member of Jesus. Regardless of your church, race, colour or nationality, you are family as long as you listen to and obey God’s voice.

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Dealing with Criticism

Jesus’ critics called him a glutton and a friend of tax collectors. In response, Jesus said: “All her children justify Wisdom.” Actions speak louder than words. A footballer once wrote on his Twitter handle: “Those who know do not criticise, and those who criticise do not know.” Do not be too quick to criticise others or to believe the negative tales you hear.

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