Jesus Christ is Risen; What Shall We Do?

fter listening to Peter, the crowd asked: “What are we to do?” This crowd remains a model of how we listen to God’s Words. They did not ask Peter about his degrees or qualifications. They were not concerned about where he came from or his profession. Although most of them were Jews who had come from different parts of the world to celebrate Pentecost, they did not ask Peter to work signs.

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Rise and Shine; Jesus is Alive

Lent is finally over. Am I also in haste to move on with my life? No more Stations of the Cross, no more fasting and abstinence. Am I going to return to my old habits and vices? Mary Magdalene refused to move on. Her actions proved she was a true friend of Jesus. She was among the Women of Jerusalem who wept for Jesus while the crowd cheered and mocked, but when others moved on, she went to the tomb early in the morning

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Who Am I to Jesus? Friend or Client

There is a saying: “You will know how much you are loved when you consider how quickly people forget you after your death.” Mary Magdalene wasn’t going to forget Jesus in a hurry. When she recognised Jesus, she used a personal name for Jesus, “Rabonni!” which means “Teacher”. We should all ask ourselves: “Do I have such a personal relationship with Jesus?” “Am I a friend or simply a client?

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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation

Mary Magdalene saw the risen Jesus but she thought he was the gardener. For a moment, she was blind to reality staring her in the face. Jesus visits us daily but we hardly recognize Him. Recall the words of the sixth station of the Cross – “Can you be brave enough to wipe my face? ‘Where is your face?’ you may ask me, and I will answer: ‘In the streets, traffic jams, the remote and dirty villages, wherever suffering exists, my face is there and I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.”

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Who am I to Jesus? Friend or Client

The difference between clients and friends is this: clients can never be satisfied, they are always grumbling and complaining! But friends would stick with you in good times and in bad times. Clients are ready to end the relationship if service is interrupted and move on but friends value the relationship more than the service. Client-minded Christians worship God for the sake of benefits but Christians who have a personal relationship with God worship Him regardless of benefits. Am I a friend to Jesus?

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Who am I to Jesus? Client or Friend

When Jesus died, it was as though all hope was lost. It was like a confirmation that Jesus was just a man after all. Everyone went their separate ways but Mary Magdalene still returned to the tomb.

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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation

It doesn’t matter what your past has been, Jesus wants to work through you and in you. Jesus wants you to be His apostle, to spread the news of His Resurrection to the ends of the earth. Come of the darkness, embrace the light, save yourself from this wicked generation.

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