Worldly Wisdom is Foolishness Before God

Perhaps Jesus is asking me to let down my nets for a catch, yet I procrastinate and give God excuses. Trust God and obey His commands. Forget what people around you are saying. Do what is right, and God will reward you with an abundant catch—more than you would have dreamt of if you had disobeyed.

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Do Not Love the World; You Were Made for Something More

As much as these things deliver a great deal of happiness, they remain fleeting. We are never satisfied. Our hearts are always restless because only God can bring us true satisfaction. It is pure wisdom to remind yourself constantly that you came to this world empty and you shall return empty; that you are just a sojourner on earth.

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Collaboration and Detachment: Essentials for Success in Ministry

We cannot preach a united Nigeria on our pulpits if we as men and women of God cannot see eye to eye. We must kill our pride lest it tears us apart. Jesus said it that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. We must stop fighting each other and begin to realize that as ministers of God, we can never be superior to one another. We are nothing but mere instruments before God.

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