I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

We all possess some inherent goodness. Even as a Tax Collector, Matthew had unique gifts for the ministry. One problem Christians often face is competing with one another rather than collaborating to build up God’s kingdom on earth. God has blessed us with various gifts to let our light shine so that “men may see our good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (cf. Matthew 5:16). God has not blessed us to outshine one another.

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Do Not Love the World; It Is Passing Away

When detached from worldly riches, we will realise that suffering taunts, hatred, exclusion, ridicule and injustice is a blessing for Christ’s sake. It is a blessing to be attacked for doing good. You should be worried if you are not suffering anything for being a Christian. As the saying goes: “If the devil is not fighting you, it is probably because you are not a threat to him.”

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Instead of Pointing Fingers, Look Inwards

The irony is that while Matthew willingly embraced a new life with Christ, many who openly condemned him remained in their old lives. Jesus said: “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Am I the kind of ‘righteous’ person Jesus was referring to? Do I recognise (or admit) that I need a physician? If I consider myself perfect, I indirectly say I don’t need Jesus. Pride goes before a fall.

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I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

Man’s opinion about you may be damaging, but God’s opinion matters. The name people call you is an identity; it does not define your essence. The fact that people are laughing at you or insulting you does not make you a loser. Let God have the last word. God relates with us based on our potential and not our past. We should, therefore, not allow the past to prevent us from responding to God’s call from within.

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While people were busy pointing fingers, Jesus was busy winning a soul for heaven. While others were calling names, Matthew was busy examining his conscience. Ultimately, this same Matthew became one of the greatest Evangelists ever. It is okay to criticise others for their wrong deeds, but it is more profitable to examine one’s heart. All that name-calling and insults will be of no use if, in the end, you are guilty of a much greater evil.

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The Passion of Jesus Christ and The Rest of Us

In fact, it was only after the death of Jesus that it dawned on people that “Truly, this was the Son of God.” Nothing last forever. Don’t worry, the time is coming that those who are laughing at you now will come and kneel before you. Just don’t give up; keep doing what is right.

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I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

Man’s opinion about you may be damaging but it is God’s opinion that matters. The name people call you is just an identity, it does not define your essence. The fact that people are laughing at you or insulting you does not make you a loser. Let God have the last word.

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Instead of Pointing Fingers, Look Inwards

Jesus said: “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Am I the kind of righteous person Jesus was referring to? Am I full of myself? Do I judge and condemn others knowing full well my own hypocrisy? Do I see myself as complete, perfect, holy, and immune from mistakes? How often do I take out time to examine my conscience? Am I willing am I to learn from other people’s mistakes or do I consider it more important to publicize these mistakes? Stop pointing fingers, start asking yourself: “If that were me, would I have done better?”

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Jesus Came to Call Sinners to Repentance

As we celebrate the feast of St. Matthew today, we not only reflect on lessons to be learnt from the manner of his call, we also reflect on the fact that God has called each of us as well through the various gifts and talents he bestowed upon us.

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Stop Pointing Fingers and Start Looking Inwards

While people were busy pointing fingers, Jesus was busy winning a soul to himself. While others were calling names, Matthew was busy examining his conscience. In the end, this same Matthew became one of the greatest Evangelists of all time.

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