Do Not Make God Sad

Miracles are not things we should glory in; they are signs pointing to deeper realities. Upon seeing the great fish catch, Peter immediately descended on his knees before Jesus, saying: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). No one likes to be used and dumped, but this is exactly what we do to God when we seek His blessings and refuse to obey His words.

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To Be Fruitful Branches of Jesus, We Must Love as He Loved

You cannot be a true Christian without bearing fruits. You cannot be light, yet fail to shine on at least one person – bringing them out of the darkness of sin and ignorance. You cannot be salt without anyone ever getting to taste your sweetness. As Christians, we are influencers – we always attract people by our words and lifestyle, not to ourselves but to Jesus Christ.

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It is Done; Go in Peace, the Mass is Ended

The Galileans received miracles not because of their location but because of their deep-seated faith. Jesus said to the woman at the well: “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.” (John 4:23). It is not about your location. Are you worshipping God in spirit and truth?

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Bring Jesus Home; Call Him in Moments of Sickness

Remember that song: “When Jesus is in the family, happy, happy home…” Jesus’ presence in a home makes all things right. Is there anyone sick in your house? Are you experiencing a family crisis, tired of the headaches of stubborn children, or experiencing marital crisis and infidelity? Then it is time to let Jesus into your house by driving out the devil, by driving out any sinful or evil practices in your homes. Bring Jesus into your bedrooms through prayer, for where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there. (Cf. Matthew 18:20).

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Prayer: An Opportunity to Listen to God

Prayer is not all about informing God of our needs and problems (as if He does not already know). Prayer is a relationship, a dialogue. As we talk, we must listen because God speaks to us when we come into His presence.

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The Power of Consultation

For Jesus to have chosen these persons after an all-night consultation shows that God’s ways are not ours. In truth, even the “foolishness” of God is wiser than the highest human wisdom.

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Those Looking for Signs are Not Ready to Repent

When we receive miracles, we are happy but when we repent from sin, God is happy. If after receiving miracles, we fail to repent from our sinfulness, God is not happy with us. God would never stop loving us but if we seek happiness from God, let us also behave in a way that would make God happy with us.

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The Second Chance.

Dear friend, come back to God today. He will not only give you another chance, He would make you His shining star. There is just no limit to what God can accomplish through you.

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Jesus’ Actions Spoke For Him

Dear friends, if actions speak louder than words, we are called to examine for ourselves today what sort of things our actions are proclaiming about us?

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We Cannot But Speak What We Have Seen and Heard

Time has come for us men and women of God to realize that Jesus sent us to preach not to work miracles. Some ministers today have landed themselves in trouble in a bid to satisfy their congregation with at least one miracle or the other during church services forgetting that their primary duty is to preach.

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Why Are Miracles Scarce in Our Churches Today?

Today, our readings present other obstacles to faith which we must avoid such as hostility towards God, familiarity, falsehood and pride. Whether we like it or not, these are factors responsible for the scarcity of miracles in our churches today.

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Lord, To Whom Shall We Go?

Dear friends, no matter the reason why we may want to turn our backs on God, the truth is that THERE IS JUST NO ALTERNATIVE. St. Augustine said: “You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

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