Marriage is Hard, but Divorce is Harder

Jesus condemned Moses’ Law on divorce but excused Moses by saying he responded to the people’s hardness of heart. Today, the choice is up to us: whether to remain hardened in the heart (follow Moses’ instruction; obtain a certificate of divorce from the court) or to embrace Jesus’ stance on Marriage (take the path of sacrifice, remain with our spouses through thick and thin, remove divorce an option). Anyone who still wants to go with Moses today is not yet a Christian.

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The Smell of Sin

By saying we should cut off our hands and feet and pluck our eyes, Jesus wants us to realise that we have power over sin and that the causes of sin are right within us. Stop blaming the devil for your sinful actions. It is what is inside you, not what is outside you, that is making you fall into sin. Jesus is not asking us to cut our bodies physically; rather, he wants us to cut off those bad thoughts, imaginations and desires within us that lead us to sin.

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The Son of Man Must Be Lifted

We celebrate the Cross of Jesus Christ today and the various crosses we bear as Christians. In the Beatitudes, Jesus told us to “rejoice and be glad” when we are persecuted, insulted, excluded, oppressed or denied our rights for His Sake. This is what we are doing today – rejoicing in our sufferings, knowing that for every pain we endure, a crown awaits us in heaven.

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Choose Your Reward; If You Seek, You Will Find

Elisha, like Solomon, was given a blank cheque to ask for anything. He could have asked for riches, long life or the death of his enemies, but he asked for a double share of Elijah’s spirit. When I pray, what do I ask for?

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Unless You Eat and Drink the Flesh and Blood, You Have No Life in You

If we must come forward for Holy Communion, we must ensure that we are in a State of Grace; we have prepared ourselves by abstaining from sin or going to confession. Before we step forward for communion, we must have decided to obey everything written in the Book of the Covenant (the Holy Bible).

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Every Sin is a Rejection of God

We may point fingers at the Israelites, but we only need to look carefully to see the golden calves we have erected around us. Humans tend to turn their most-priced possessions into gods. For the Israelites, it was their gold ornaments. For many today, it is our expensive car (or fleet of cars), wardrobe (containing all kinds of shoes, clothes, wristwatches, etc., items we never use but adore and polish daily).

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Any Society without Respect for Laws is Doomed

Judas Iscariot was too ashamed to face Jesus after his betrayal was exposed. What happens when people do worse things without guilt or shame? A society self-destructs when people behave like they are greater than the law. Even Jesus Christ (God in human flesh) never claimed superiority over the Law.

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Lent and the Spirit of Sacrifice

Do you think there is anything too much for God? While thinking about this, remember that God did not consider the sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus Christ, too much for us. Reflecting on this, St. Paul, in our second reading today, assures us that if God did not spare His own Son, Jesus Christ, for our sake, then there is absolutely nothing He cannot do for our sake. (Romans 8:31-34).

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Choose Good, Choose Life; Choose Blessing

God who made you without your cooperation will not save you without your cooperation. God will never force His way on us. It will always be up to us to decide what becomes of us through our daily choices.

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God is Not Dead. He Never Sleeps. Wickedness Never Lasts

Today, our Psalmist sings: “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the hopes of the poor ever perish.” When it seems like evil people are succeeding, don’t worry, keep trusting in God, don’t give up hope, and stop being good.

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From Shame to Glory

Just as a tree was the source of humanity's downfall in the Garden of Eden, a tree (the cross) was the object upon which Christ redeemed humanity. When Jesus carried the cross, he corrected the mistake of Adam. The tree, a symbol of death for Adam, has now become a symbol of life for humanity.

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Correct Your Leaders But Avoid Disrespect

The Eighth Commandment forbids bearing false witness against others. Even more, the scriptures say: “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (1 Chronicles 16:22). We respect our spiritual leaders not because of who they are but because of the office they occupy.

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