United We Stand; Divided We Fall

Apart from the Gentile converts, a large number of those who embraced Christianity were Jews who believed that Jesus was truly the long-awaited Messiah, but those who didn’t believe felt threatened and sought ways to end the spread of Christianity among Jews. However, in their attempt to stop Jews from converting to Christianity in their numbers, the Jewish authorities suffered many setbacks. One of such setbacks was their lack of unity.

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Nothing Lasts Forever; Sorrow Turns Into Joy

As long as we let our light shine as God’s children, we cannot escape moments of persecution. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus likens these persecutions to the pains a woman feels when she is about to give birth. When a woman is in travail, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world.

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From Ashes to Glory

Today’s first reading narrates the great persecution that arose against the church following the death of Stephen. This persecution, though distant in time, echoes the challenges we face in our own lives. During his stoning, the witnesses laid their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul, who became determined to wipe out the entire church. However, this reading concludes on a positive note: “So there was much joy in that city.” (Acts 8:8).

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No One Can Fight God and Succeed

God allowed the jailers to secure the prison doors because He wanted to prove to them that there was no chain, padlock, piece of metal, wood, bronze or any created object that could lock up the Gospel. Even those who never heard the Gospel heard that the apostles were imprisoned but found in the temple preaching. In other words, throwing the apostles in prison further helped to spread the Gospel.

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How To Pray And Act In Difficult Times

Refrain from the temptation of hating your persecutors, otherwise, you become like them. Submit everything to God and let Him take vengeance as He deems fit. Do not pray for the death of your enemies. Just surrender them to God.

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The Key to Greatness Before God is Service

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus teaches that the criteria for greatness in God’s kingdom is servitude. When we seek power and comfort like worldly leaders, we become wolves feeding on our sheep (being served) rather than shepherds who feed the sheep (serving them)

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What St. Stephen teaches us About Christmas

Our celebration of St. Stephen today reminds us that Christmas is not all about eating and drinking. It is a celebration of the SACRIFICIAL LOVE of God for us. If God so loved us, we must love one another. If God so loved us even when we were His enemies, we must love our enemies and pray for them.

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Do Not Put Riches Above God

To be rich is not a sin, but when one’s riches come from the rejection of God, such riches are not worth having. If your source of income involves going against God’s commandments, illegalities or worse still, taking the life of others, you have placed riches above God. It is better to be content with little than to derive comfort from ill-gotten wealth. It is better to accept persecution than to lose your soul for money.

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Do Not Be Conformed To This World

Let’s face it: though we live in the world, we do not belong to this world, and the world hates us. (John 15:18-19) If you have not been experiencing this hatred (if you have never suffered anything for the sake of God), it is because you have been compromising your Christian values. As the saying goes: “If the devil is not fighting you, it is because you have been working for him.” Do not be conformed to this world.

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How Visible Is My Faith?

Do not assume your righteousness exempts you from testing. As St. Paul says: “We rejoice in our sufferings (testing, temptations etc.), knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.” (Romans 5:3-5) Going through a tough time? Remain steadfast. Don’t give in to sin. Don’t give up on God.

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Today, Jesus Christ calls us his witnesses. We are to work side by side with the Holy Spirit in spreading the truth about him to the world. The question is: How are we to be his witnesses if we are yet to understand him fully? How can we talk to people about Jesus without first talking to Jesus himself? How are we to stand up for him, if we are not convinced about him as the answer to the world’s deepest yearnings? How can we witness to him if we do not abide in the Holy Spirit?

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Sorrow May Last in the Night, but Joy Comes in the Morning

Don’t give up on God when the going becomes tough. Those fighting you now may just be pushing you to your destined glory. They may even be making things easy for you indirectly.

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