Collaboration and Detachment: Essentials for Success in Ministry

As ministers of God, we must preach with the examples of our lives. Until we cease to be beneficiaries of corruption like Amaziah, the priest, we cannot speak truth to power. Until we practice the detachment Jesus recommends, no one will take our sermons or communiques seriously. As St. Paul says in today’s second reading, we have been called “to be holy and spotless”, not necessarily to make it big in life. Let us repent from worshipping money, whether as ministers or laity. Let us return to practising the Gospel values and apply poverty of spirit.

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The Power of Discernment

The worst kind of enemy is the one who comes to you as a friend. It is easier to avoid a known enemy than to hide from an enemy who pretends to love you. In today’s Gospel passage, the Pharisees and Herodians came to Jesus pretending to be his friends. They began by praising him: “Teacher, we know that you are true, and care for no man; for you do not regard the position of men, but truly teach the way of God.” (Mark 12:14).

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God Desires Mercy, not Sacrifice

God does not reject the prayer of the humble and contrite, who can honestly beat his chest and say, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” Don’t be ashamed to pray right after you realise you have sinned. Your heart may condemn you, but God will never condemn you.

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Solomon’s Prayer: A Good Beginning

Don’t be carried away by power, congratulatory messages, or excessive workload in your new office; dedicate the first day (or days) to prayer. Jesus applied this principle at the start of his ministry; he spent forty days praying and fasting alone in a desert.

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God Looks At The Heart

Saul did not fear disobeying God’s instructions because he felt greater than Samuel. David’s anointing was to teach Saul a lesson – to show him that the same anointing that brought him to glory could function in others. Regardless of your office today, never forget you are dust.

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Blessed Are the Humble

Pride makes us think we know everything. It prevents us from learning anything new. Like a cup full of water, we can’t take any more water. As a result of pride, we find ourselves arguing with everyone and challenging them in every instance. What makes pride dangerous is that it is an invisible vice. I can never see my pride. In other words, I need others to tell me whether or not I am proud and when they do, I consider it an insult.

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Pride Goes Before A Fall

The moment we see ourselves as better than others, we start going down. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus, having put the Pharisees to shame by healing a man with dropsy, taught us a lesson in humility. Jesus described pride as taking a seat at the high table (when invited for a ceremony) only for the host to politely ask you to step down for a more important guest.

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Faithfulness to Our Call

His disciples asked Jesus: “If such is the case of a man with his wife, is it not better to remain unmarried?” (Matthew 19:10). Jesus said: “Not all men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.” (Matthew 19:11). In other words, celibacy is not for everyone. One who is not called to a celibate life but embraces it to escape the rigours of marriage would end up frustrated. Achieving a happy marriage is difficult, but being a faithful celibate is more difficult without the grace of celibacy.

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Stop Competing with Others; God Sees the Heart

Knowing the weaknesses of others should not make us puffed with pride, it should make us think of ways to help them up. This requires humility; humility to know that your level in life came not by your power but by the grace of God and others who helped you in the past.

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Humility and Service: Two Powerful Keys for Greatness

Jesus does not condemn the desire to be great, instead, he brought a little child into the midst of the disciples to illustrate that true greatness is not really about lording it over others but serving them and bringing oneself down in humility.

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How Blessed Are the Humble

There is an African proverb that says, if a child washes his hands very well, he would be invited to seat at the table and eat with elders. In other words, if we are humble, regardless of our size and status, we would be granted access to high places.

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To Win a Sinner to God, Begin with Love

From His encounter with Zacchaeus, Jesus teaches us today that in winning a soul for God, love must come first. Jesus showed Zacchaeus so much love and honored him by going to eat in Zacchaeus' home. In this way, even without preaching a single verse from the scripture, Zacchaeus was moved to repentance.

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