Repent From Hypocrisy

No matter how good you think you are, be open to criticism. Do not surround yourself with sycophants. Cherish and appreciate those who have different opinions; there is always something to learn and something you can improve on. Only a true friend will tell you to your face that you are going the wrong way.

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By Their Fruits, You Shall Know Them

False prophets are like the weeds sown among the wheat; it is difficult to tell the difference, and in an attempt to pull out the weeds, one may also pull out the wheat. By saying, “Beware of false prophets,” Jesus wants us to be on guard and to exercise discernment. It is not all that glitters that is gold. On the last day, many would come before God, claiming to have worked miracles in His name, and He would say: “I do not know where you come from; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!” (Luke 13:27).

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Elijah’s Challenge – Our Challenge

God is not interested in quantity; He wants quality. Jesus came to save millions of people, but He chose only twelve disciples. Do not be overwhelmed by the size of your opposition. You might be the only person against a crowd, but with God on your side, you are bigger than the crowd.

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Great Things Happen when we Say “YES” to God

Why did God send an Angel to Mary? St. Augustine answered: “God created us without our consent, but He will not save us without our consent.” We always have a choice to say “Yes” or “No” to God’s plans for our lives.

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Cleanse the Inside, Too

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus likened the Scribes and Pharisees to whitewashed tombs, beautiful from the outside but full of dead men’s bones inside. If people get close to us, would they see something different from what we portray in public?

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Repent From Sin; Let Your Light Shine

Like these women who were not expecting to see Jesus alive, many of us are not expecting to rise with Jesus from a life of sin. Many of us here are not expecting we would shine like this Pascal Candle. That notwithstanding, we must go to the tomb in faith not to anoint the dead body of Christ but to become witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.

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Lessons From the Presentation of Jesus Christ

If we want our children to grow strong and wise, we must, like Mary and Joseph constantly present them to God. Never neglect to bring your children to church. Let them attend catechism classes. Let them be at Sunday School. It is very important. Do not assume that your children will get to know God or make the right choices in life on their own. Bring them to God. As the book of Proverbs says: “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” (Proverbs 22:6)

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Prophecy, Authority and Authenticity

A prophecy may take time to materialize, but as long as it is coming from God and not merely from one’s imagination, it must happen. Quite sadly, we live in an age of fake prophets; prophets who see visions according to the size of people’s pockets.

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This World Would Soon End, But Right Now, Get Busy

Today’s readings were carefully selected by the Church because we are coming to the end of a liturgical year. Jesus tells us that there would be wars, tumults, terrorism, earthquakes, famines, pestilences and so on, but despite all these things, “do not be terrified.” Relax, and go about your daily activities, earn your daily bread, but in all you do, make sure you “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33)

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The Power of Jesus versus the Power of Demons

I feel ashamed when I see Christians panicking at the thought of witches and wizards or pastors exulting the devil in their sermons, literally putting fear in the minds of their listeners without also preaching about God’s power as greater than that of the devil. Today’s Christians are willing to ascribe every single negative event in their lives to the power of the devil (including headaches) but are very slow to praise and thank God for positive events in their lives.

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By Their Fruits, You Shall Know Them

Jesus wants us to be wise, to look before we leap, to realize that it is not everyone who addresses himself as a prophet that is there for our good. Some are agents of the devil sent to wreak havoc on gullible Christians. Jesus even said that on the last day many would come claiming to have worked miracles in His name but He would say: “I do not know where you come from; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!” (Luke 13:27). Shine your eyes, there are workers of iniquity out there. Watch out for their fruits.

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