Jesus expressed utter disappointment with the towns where most of His miracles had happened because, contrary to His expectations, the people remained stiff-necked in their sinful ways. Jesus performed countless miracles, He even raised the dead to life many times, but one miracle Jesus would not work is forcing anyone to repent. This “miracle” requires your active cooperation.

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One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

HEAVEN HAS NO BRANCHES. Heaven is one place, there are no separate departments in heaven, there are no branches in heaven, and there is no such thing as Catholic Heaven, Pentecostal Heaven, or Redeemed Heaven. It is the same Jesus Christ that we serve; there is no Catholic Jesus as separate from Pentecostal Jesus.

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What Unites Us is Greater Than What Pulls Us Apart

When we quarrel with each other, there is a tendency for us to assume we can just be on our own, that we can survive without this person or that person. The truth is that what unites us is greater than what pulls us apart. The person you refuse to help today may be your last resort tomorrow. Not even death can separate us from each other. This world is a small place; smaller than we think. We are all one body!

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