It’s Time to Repent

If the people who lived in Chorazin in the time of Jesus were to visit the world today, what would they say about our latest technology? We are living in an age of miracles. We have too many signs and wonders to show that God truly loves us, but we take them for granted. How do we show appreciation to God for His uncountable blessings? Disbelief, ingratitude, greed and disobedience to God’s commands.

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We Are Branches; Jesus is the Tree. We Need Jesus, We Need Each Other

Life is all about connection. No human being can survive entirely on their own. No one is an island. Just as we need to remain connected to Jesus to stay alive spiritually, we also need to be connected to our fellow human beings to remain alive.

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Rise, Repent, Receive Forgiveness and Proclaim Jesus

The message for you today is: “Rise.” Don’t stay down. Rise! Your sufferings are not a sign of weakness on the part of God. Keep trusting in God. Very soon, your eyes will see, and your mouth will testify that God never sleeps nor slumbers and never turns His back on His children.

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We Must Obey God Rather Than Men

Even after orchestrating the death of Jesus Christ, the high priest and his council refused to admit the truth. They angrily said to the apostles: “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” (Acts 5:28). Who else should the apostles hold responsible for Jesus’ death? Who paid Judas Iscariot? Who instigated false witnesses against Jesus? Who mobilised the crowds to shout “Crucify Him?”

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Not By Our Power But By the Power of God

Peter prayed in the name of Jesus Christ because he believed in the resurrection. Peter knew that Jesus Christ was fully alive and that Jesus was right there with him. When Peter saw the lame man begging at the beautiful gate, he remembered Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed many of their predicament. Peter knew what Jesus would have done upon seeing the lame man at the beautiful gate.

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You Are Well Now; Sin No More

Jesus warned the man who had been cured to avoid sin so that nothing worse would happen to him. What else could be worse than suffering for thirty-eight years? What else could be worse than spending half of your lifespan in pain, discomfort, and misery? This is exactly what sin does to us.

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The Anguish of the Elder Brother

Just as the Father was merciful to the prodigal son, he showed mercy to the elder brother by stepping out of the banquet to reason with him. What kind of a parent am I? Do I pitch my children against themselves by indirectly (or directly) showing preference?

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Repentance is Either Now or Never

Noah preached repentance for one hundred years; only his immediate family agreed to enter the Ark, but Jonah preached for three days, and he succeeded in bringing a whole nation to its knees. What was special about Jonah’s preaching, and why was it extremely effective?

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The Fasting That Pleases God

Avoid following the crowd. Your fasting should be between you and God. Am I fasting because it is fasting season (or because I see others fasting)? What exactly do I hope to achieve by my fasting? Don’t fast if you have no prayer intention (purpose), lest you constantly check the time. This is self-deception.

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What is the Devil doing in Church?

To assume that everyone you see well-dressed and sitting calmly in the Church is perfect and holy is to forget that Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 7:21). Demonic possession does not show in a person’s face but as Jesus said: “You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16).

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The Second Chance

The day you can handle a microphone and confess your sins in public (as St. Paul did in today’s first reading) is the day you will be free. As long as we keep pretending to be saints in public while indulging in evil behind closed doors, repentance continues to elude us.

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Now is the Time to Repent

Jesus says: “Follow Me.” Follow me, and I will take care of you; follow me, and I will make you fishers of men; follow me, and I will take you to a higher level of prosperity and success; follow you, and I will give you true peace. Follow me, and your life will never remain the same again.

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