What Must I Do To Gain Eternal Life?

Do You Want To Live Forever? Do what Jesus says - Keep God’s Commandments: “Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not defraud, honour your father and your mother.” The essence of these commandments is to love your neighbour as yourself.

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Better Be Poor Than Enjoy Stolen Riches; Better Be Dead Than Scandalize Innocent Minds

St. James tells us it is better to be poor than to enjoy stolen riches. We steal by refusing to pay our workers their just wages or by living in luxury (wastefulness) while millions suffer extreme poverty. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus highlights the danger of scandal by saying it is better to be dead than to be the source of scandal for little ones (innocent minds).

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Cursed is The Man Who Trusts in Man; Earthly Riches

The parable of Lazarus teaches us that one could be ‘helped by God’ and still live in abject poverty. With this parable, Jesus teaches that being poor despite your religiosity does not mean God has failed or that He is powerless. Does it surprise you that Lazarus, who lived in abject poverty (on earth), was sitting at the feet of Abraham in heaven?

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Do Not Put Riches Above God

To be rich is not a sin, but when one’s riches come from the rejection of God, such riches are not worth having. If your source of income involves going against God’s commandments, illegalities or worse still, taking the life of others, you have placed riches above God. It is better to be content with little than to derive comfort from ill-gotten wealth. It is better to accept persecution than to lose your soul for money.

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Do Not Make Money Your God

Jesus teaches us to avoid telling lies and other dishonest practices for the sake of money: “He who is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much… And if you have not been faithful with that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?”(Luke 16:10-12) Someone once said: “If you lose money, you lose nothing. If you lose friends, you lose something, but if you lose your character (perhaps, in a bid to make money), you have lost everything.”

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Wisdom is the Principal Thing, Get it, Apply it.

The steward made friends by reducing the debts of his master’s debtors. We are to make friends by giving away whatever is at our disposal. After all, nothing belongs to us in the first place. Empty we came, and empty we shall return.

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The Danger of Covetousness

To be covetous is to live in a world of “I”, “me”, and “myself”; a world where I care only for one person – me. To be covetous is to be like the rich man in the parable Jesus gave us in today’s Gospel passage, who thought only about himself in his plan to enjoy his riches.

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With God, All Things Are Possible

If God could make a man as weak as Gideon, a successful war hero, it tells us that God can take “a nobody” like Mary and turn her into His mother; by this fact, she is the queen of heaven.

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Beware of Greed: Not All that Glitter is Gold

Even though the land of Sodom was a beauty to behold, the people who lived there had no fear of God. They were great and wicked sinners. Like many Christians today, Abram’s cousin, Lot, chose material prosperity over spiritual prosperity. This is what greed does to us. It makes us put the passing things of this world over and above God.

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Trust in God, Not Your Riches

Today, we celebrate the memorial of Mary, the mother of the Church. Having completed the seven weeks of Easter, today is a day for us to pause a while and remember the unique role of Mary in the course of the whole Easter festivities and, in particular, to examine the total weight of the words Jesus spoke at the foot of the cross: “Behold, Your Mother.”

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Rejoice, Your Reward is in Heaven.

Jesus is not saying riches are sinful, rather, he wants us to consider riches as the lowest of all our priorities. This is the point St. Paul seeks to drive home when he said: “let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning.

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Don’t Allow Your Riches Steal Your Ticket to Heaven.

There is another type of riches that Jesus encourages in our Gospel passage. It is the riches of detachment from this world’s goods for sake of the kingdom of God. It is the riches of generosity. According to Jesus: “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29).

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