To Change Your Life, Change Your Soil

Another way of understanding this parable is to think of the various soils as symbols of the time we devote to studying God’s Word daily. While the seed that fell on the path represents those who do not spend up to five minutes daily meditating on God’s Word, the seed that fell on good soil represents those who spend hours on God’s Word daily.

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Ordinary Time: Season of Green; Season of Growth

Jesus tells us that a man scatters the seed on the ground and goes to sleep only to see the seed growing. How this happens, he does not know. In other words, it is not for us to know how the Word works; all we have to do is scatter the seed and let God do the rest.

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Solid Faith Provokes Solid Giving

Giving to God expresses your faith. If your faith is large enough to acknowledge that everything you have comes from God, then like seeds sown in good soil, you would easily consider doing something to appreciate God.

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God's Word Never Return Empty

Just as God spoke and creation came into existence, they create something in us whenever we hear God’s words. This is what the prophet Isaiah proclaims in today’s first reading. Just as rain does not fall without causing plants to grow, God’s words are never uttered in vain. They never return to God empty (i.e. without accomplishing what God intends).

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Don’t be discouraged by Little Beginnings

The beginning may be rough, very rough. We may even face great temptations; so great that we may attempt giving up; progress may be slow; people may mock us because they wouldn’t see any change in us. But we should never be discouraged. Keep moving on. One day, that good habit you just began will become part of you and like a shrub that attracts birds of the air, people will come to ask you: “how did you become so successful?”

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If You Want To Change Your Life, Change Your Soil.

As children, we all had dreams, we believed that the sky is our limit but as we grew older, we started allowing impurities into our minds such as fear, worry, competition, bitterness, and so on. Our good soils became rocky, thorny, and sandy. Instead of bearing fruits, we allowed the birds to steal our seeds. We allowed thorns of material pursuits to choke God’s words in us. Our hearts have become rocky due to unbelief.

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The Contents of Your Heart Determine the Quality of Your Life.

Wash the inside of your cup. Believe that you can do without sin. Make efforts like the men who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus through the roof. Let Jesus see your faith and He would reward you with grace to overcome temptation. Don’t look down on yourself.

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Ordinary Time: Season of Green, Season of Growth.

It would be a contradiction that we are wearing green while there is no significant growth in our relationship with God. Recall how Jesus was attracted to a fig tree with leaves only for him to go close to the tree and did not find any young fruit sprouting on it?

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See Your Present Sufferings as Seeds

Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a man scattering seeds on the ground and then goes to sleep. How the seeds spouts, the farmer does not know. When things are tough, we are not able to see the brighter side. Little by little, that which you thought was your worst nightmare eventually becomes your most treasured moment.

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