What Happened At Antioch?

Jesus did not explain himself to those asking. He said: “You are not my sheep.” Child of God, are you the sheep of Christ? Why do you still doubt? Why are you still scared of the future? Why are you worried about your enemies? Jesus says: “They shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.”

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The Good Shepherd Gives Life To The Sheep

Today, Jesus distinguishes the shepherd from the thief. The thief does not enter by the door but climbs another way (jumps the fence). Did I get into power through legitimate channels or “snatching, grabbing and running away with the ballot box”? Secondly, another quality of the thief is their intention. Am I in power to help the sheep (give them life) or steal from them? Is my continued stay in power destroying my sheep?

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Lessons From Jesus, The Good Shepherd

What Qualities Make Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd? In today’s Gospel passage from John 10:11-18, Jesus provides four answers to this question: 1. Sacrifice - “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (verse 11). 2. Knowledge - “I know my own, and my own know me.” (verse 14). 3. Unity – “I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, so there shall be one flock, one shepherd” (verse 16). 4. Power – “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (verse 18)

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The Lord Rescues Those Who Trust In Him

The story of Susanna tells of the courage of a well-trained woman who preferred death to sin. The judges thought they could blackmail her, but God came to her rescue. In today’s Gospel passage, the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus whom they accused of adultery. Like the Judges in our first reading, they thought they had cornered Jesus. In the end, Jesus, God in human flesh, displayed a wisdom far superior to any human imagination.

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O Holy Night

The people to whom Isaiah prophesied in our first reading were a people in darkness. Isaiah prophesied that Christ, the world's light, would dwell in their midst and wipe out the darkness. The Angels announced this to the shepherds who kept watch at night: “For to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.”

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Return to God; Your Sins are Forgiven

Christmas is a reminder that God has not yet given up on humanity. If God could choose to take our flesh despite our collective sinfulness, it means that regardless of your past, God can still work great and mighty works through you. Do not despair. Do not assume your sins are too much. Return to God today; He will fill your heart with supernatural peace.

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God Never Fails; His Words Must Surely Come to Pass

As in Isaiah's time, the people who listened to him could only imagine what he was talking about. Nonetheless, as we see in the Gospel passage, Isaiah's prophecy became a reality in the feeding of the multitude. Dear friends, the message for us today is very simple: Everything God has revealed in the Bible must surely come to pass. God never fails.

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Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd, Priest and King

Today’s first reading describes Jesus as the shepherd who seeks out His sheep. The Psalmist sings of Jesus as the shepherd who provides our needs. The second reading hints at Jesus as the priest who sacrificed Himself for our sake. Finally, our Gospel passage depicts Jesus as the King who reigns over, before whom we shall be judged at the end of the world.

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On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

Jesus wants us to understand that He is not simply a shepherd who answers our questions, He is the very answer to all that bothers us. Jesus is teaching us today that He is not just a shepherd who protects us from danger, He is also the very life that sustains our existence.

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The Good Shepherd Does Not Discriminate

From the vision of Peter, we learn to avoid judging people simply based on where they come from. Whereas the bad shepherd, the thief thrives by creating division and sowing seeds of hatred and ethnic rivalry among the sheep, the good shepherd unites all, mends conflicts, and teaches love above anything else.

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The Lord is My Shepherd; there is Nothing I shall Want

In our Gospel acclamation today, we hear Jesus say: “I know my own and my own know me.” (John 10:14) Jesus goes further to describe Himself as the Door of the Sheep meaning that it is only through Him that we can find our hearts’ desires and needs. “If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out of pasture.”

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Take heart, It is I, Have no Fear

If your conscience is clear, you have no reason whatsoever to be living in fear. If it is not your time, nothing, nothing in heaven or on earth can kill you. You will walk on water and you will not sink. You will pass through fire and it will be cold. Your enemies will set different traps for you and you will scale through like breeze. Fear Not.

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