The Narrow Door of Faith

History is filled with examples of people who boasted of their strength and the power of their inventions, only to regret it later. The fact that you have been successful in the past does not give you the right to challenge God. You may not believe in the power of prayers or the possibility of divine intervention but do not insult those who still believe in God.

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God Never Sleeps: He Never Forsakes Us.

God allows calamity in our lives because we grow spiritually through trials (difficult moments). As someone once said: “I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to strengthen me. I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome. I asked for love, and God gave me troubled people to help.”

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Don’t Be a Slave Because of Fear

The Jews were determined to kill Jesus (just as Nebuchadnezzar wanted to kill the boys), not knowing that death was not the end but only the beginning of a greater life. The three Hebrew boys entered the fire as slaves of the King, but when they came out of the fiery burning furnace, they became gods to the King. Jesus willingly embraced death on the cross, but when He came out of the fire of death, He shone brightly.

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God Is Bigger Than Your Problem

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says to us: “Come to me all you who labour and heavily laden, and I will give you rest… for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Are you restless? Bring the matter to Jesus. There is no problem that He cannot handle.

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Put Your Trust in God

While Isaiah uses the word “rock” to describe the unshakable nature of God, Jesus uses the word “rock” to illustrate how unshakable we become when we obey His word. There is a correlation between trusting in God (the everlasting Rock) and having peace of mind (becoming like a Rock).

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Appearance is Not Always Reality

The fact that “everybody is doing it” does not make it right. Hold on to your convictions. For putting Him first, God did not disappoint Daniel and his friends. Learn to give God His due, and He will never disappoint you. Even if others laugh at you or call you names, remain different.

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The Law of the Lord is Perfect

Our Responsorial Psalm today sings: “The Law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye… They are more precious than gold than a heap of purest gold.”

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Have Confidence in Prayer

The deeper your confidence in the power and effectiveness of even a single line of prayer, the more you see the result in your life. Make sure you reflect on every word you utter during prayer, know that whatever you say is heard by God; know that prayer works, prayer changes things.

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Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?

It is not possible for us to understand everything about God. Like the Holy Eucharist, there are still so many things about God that remain mysterious to us. No matter how high the temptation may be for you to walk away from God, let us remember that the best is yet to come. God has not changed and will never change a bit. Just hold on. Don’t quit on God.

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Do You Know What You Have?

If you know what you have, you would not get involved in sin just to make money or provide for your family. You know that you only need to pray like Peter and God will bless the works of your hands and reward your sweat with success. If you know what you have, you wouldn’t be like the two disciples who were walking away from Jerusalem in disappointment. They had thought Jesus came to establish an earthly kingdom, they were expecting political power...

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If You Trust God, you will Obey Him

Trust God and obey His word. Trust your parents (your elders, your teachers, etc.) and keep to their instructions. It might seem hard for you to just be good but I tell you, this is the shortest cut to success in life. This is what Moses teaches us in today’s first reading. Give heed to the statutes and the ordinances… that you may live and take possession of the land… God means well by giving us the commandments.

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Certainly, after the Story comes the Glory

The journey to anything excellent and beautiful is usually marred with a lot of obstacles and pot-holes. Even serving God is not easy. No one, not even Jesus Christ the Son of God was spared suffering, pain, and sorrow. Like gold which has to experience fire, you would face a lot of fires that would remove impurities from you. Don’t give up on God. Don’t think that your prayers are in vain. Things would not always be like this. Don’t worry – after the story comes the glory.

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