To emphasise the importance of trusting only in God, Jeremiah says in today’s First Reading, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from God.” Today’s Responsorial Psalm also echoes: “Blessed is the man who has placed his trust in the Lord.” In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul mentions another reason to trust God: Jesus kept His promise about rising from the dead. God never promises and fails. Since Jesus rose from the dead, we know that the promises of the Beatitudes are genuine. If we are persecuted for righteousness (if we weep now), our reward will be great in heaven.
Read MoreIn sending out the seventy, they must have wondered how they would survive without a bag, a wallet, an extra tunic, or even some loaves of bread. Today, they return with joy. The experience taught them about God’s providence. If God gives you an assignment, trust He will provide everything you need. You will have dark moments but, ultimately, realize that God knew exactly what He was doing. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (Psalm 125:1)
Read MoreSelfishness is a disease that is ravaging our society today. No one wants to be his brother’s keeper, not even our leaders. You hardly hear anyone ask you if you have eaten. In this miracle, Jesus teaches us the importance of love (showing concern for others). Be Generous, don’t be afraid to share.
Read MoreDo not think that because you are a good person (one who strives to live righteously), you are free from enemies. It is possible that you are yet to know your enemies, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Some of those close to you may just be looking out for opportunities to launch deadly attacks (like the Pharisees who followed Jesus everywhere).
Read MoreWhile Isaiah uses the word “rock” to describe the unshakable nature of God, Jesus uses the word “rock” to illustrate how unshakable we become when we obey His word. There is a correlation between trusting in God (the everlasting Rock) and having peace of mind (becoming like a Rock).
Read MoreJust as Nebuchadnezzar succeeded in making the people worship the idols out of fear of losing their lives, many today are “worshipping” all kinds of idols just to make ends meet. They have become slaves to sin because they think they have no other means of putting food on the table.
Read MoreIndeed, if we must boast at all, there is only one name we can fully rely upon; it is the name of God. Only God deserves such a high level of confidence and trust.
Read MoreAfter the great catch of fish, Peter and his team left everything to follow Jesus. They did not go after the fish itself but after Him who caused the great catch. Do not worship the blessings (miracles) that God gives to you. Worship God instead. And even if blessings do not come, remember that we brought nothing to this world and we shall take nothing with us – God alone is enough!
Read MoreAlways allow God to do your fighting for you. Just as no one can fight God and succeed, you cannot win unless God is on your side. Seek first God’s kingdom and be fervent in prayer. God will do the rest for you.
Read MoreIf you do not believe that your prayers are capable of changing anything, then you are yet to understand the meaning of prayer. The deeper your confidence in the power and effectiveness of even a single line of prayer, the more you see the result in your life.
Read MoreCheer up. The sufferings you are experiencing now for the sake of your faith is your cross. For now, everything seems shameful, painful and difficult. Don’t worry, just as we are venerating the cross today, people will come from north, east and west to listen to your story and congratulate you. Do not give up on God just because it is Good Friday.
Read MoreAt times, God shows up as the fourth man in the fire but at other times, God leaves us to burn. We must have the type of faith to take whatever God so wills.
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