When the Going is Tough, Love Keeps You Going

Without love for God, the cross is a punishment, but when there is love in our hearts, the cross is worth carrying.

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United We Stand; Divided We Fall

Apart from the Gentile converts, a large number of those who embraced Christianity were Jews who believed that Jesus was truly the long-awaited Messiah, but those who didn’t believe felt threatened and sought ways to end the spread of Christianity among Jews. However, in their attempt to stop Jews from converting to Christianity in their numbers, the Jewish authorities suffered many setbacks. One of such setbacks was their lack of unity.

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Fake Pastors: Fierce Wolves in Sheep Clothing

Paul looked into the future while addressing the elders (pastors) at Ephesus concerning fake pastors whom he described as ‘fierce wolves.’ Jesus also saw the future when He spoke of the world’s hatred against His disciples. Today, this hatred no longer comes from external forces but from fierce wolves in sheep's clothing operating from within the church

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Chosen By God, Yet Not Indispensable

The office is indispensable, but the office holder can be replaced anytime. No matter the position you occupy, there is someone who can take your place and even do a better job. Do your best, but take it easy; no matter how good you are, you cannot be there forever

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Be of Good Cheer: Joy as a Fruit of the Holy Spirit

We must be of good cheer because we are fighting a won battle; no matter what the world does to us, it cannot undo Christ’s victory on the Cross of Calvary. We must be cheerful because our tribulations are temporary; life happens in seasons and stages. We must be of good cheer because joy is a sign of victory; our enemies are confused when they see us happy despite their plans. We must be of good cheer because joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

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Lessons From Matthias' Election and Jesus' Priestly Prayer

Jesus prays to God to protect us because He knows that as long as we let our light shine as his followers, we cannot escape the hatred of the world. Wouldn’t it be better if God removed us from a world that was hostile to Jesus and continued its hostility against His followers? Here is the twist – even though the world hates us, the world needs us to survive.

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Prayer: An Antidote For Sorrow

Prayer brings joy; it is both spiritual and therapeutic. Prayer helps to offload your burdens, calm your nerves and relieve your fears. Appreciate prayer because it can bring you the things you desire and because prayer (itself) is good for you. If a problem shared is a problem half-solved, prayer is sharing your problems with the only person who can truly solve them.

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Nothing Lasts Forever; Sorrow Turns Into Joy

As long as we let our light shine as God’s children, we cannot escape moments of persecution. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus likens these persecutions to the pains a woman feels when she is about to give birth. When a woman is in travail, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world.

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Lessons From Christ's Ascension into Heaven

These were the last words of Jesus before His Ascension - “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” (Mark 16:15). This is an all-important task. If we fail to preach the gospel, we have failed God

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The Holy Spirit: Source of All Truth

You cannot have the Holy Spirit in you and still tell lies. This is because telling lies is not one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Never trust anyone who tells lies; they don’t know God. If someone knows the truth and decides to twist it, that person can easily work for the devil.

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The Holy Spirit: Our Helper and Teacher

However, in sad moments, we find it very hard to pray, talkless of singing praises to God. Paul and Silas teach us a very important lesson today – praise God even in bad times. How do we summon courage to praise God when it seems He failed to protect us from evil? Remember that you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is always with you;

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The Holy Spirit; Ever Present Help in Moments of Danger

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth who bears witness to Him. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot know the truth about God. We cannot witness to God without first receiving the witness of the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, even when we witness God to our fellow human beings, our success depends entirely on the Holy Spirit

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