Through Faith, They Conquered Kingdoms

Jesus cured a demoniac, but in the process, the villagers lost their entire herd of swine. Instead of thanking God that a man had been set free from demonic possession, they mourned over their pigs. Fearing that there might be other demons in the town, they begged Jesus to leave their town. We behave like these people when we push God away instead of counting our blessings. Life is not all about money.

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The Second Chance

Many Christians claim to be born again (baptised) but lack an encounter with God. They live recklessly because they have only heard about God but have never had an experience (like that which brought St. Paul to his knees on the way to Damascus). Pray to have an experience of God that would show you that God is not just a figment of imagination.

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You are the Son of God

We cannot hide our real identity from the devil and his agents. We cannot pretend to be mighty Christians when our lives are full of hidden sins. Satan laughs at us when we hide under the shadow of pretence. Human beings need signs and wonders to be displayed to believe, and they can be deceived. Satan does not need any of that. He is capable of recognising a true Christian from that who is not.

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The Call to Bless

In today’s Gospel passage, we find the height of this wickedness when the Pharisees watched Jesus to see whether or not He would heal a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day. Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or harm, to save life or kill?” But they were silent. They knew healing this man was not against the Sabbath Law but were too ashamed to admit the truth. Like these Pharisees, we could become blinded by hatred for certain persons and no longer understand the reasons for God’s laws.

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Keep Your Faith Alive Always

The failure of the scribes and Pharisees to see that God was in their midst despite their familiarity with the scriptures goes to prove the point of today’s first reading: “For indeed the good news came to us just as to them; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.” (Hebrews 4:2).

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Do Not Let Your Hearts Become Hardened

Empathy is the first step to healing, but it is not enough. Go beyond words such as: “Sorry, oh. It is well you.” Do whatever is within your power to do. It might seem small compared to the person’s problem, but it would mean the world to them. Sometimes, we underestimate ourselves. What makes you think your prayers cannot heal the sick? With just five loaves and two fish, over five thousand people were fed. Even for someone looking for a million naira, ten naira is something. You might not even have ten naira, but you might know how to connect them to someone who has.

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Go into the World with Good News

We must consciously reach out to the sick, the oppressed, those held captive, those who do not yet believe in God, and those who are passing through some difficulty or another. With faith, we can lay our hands on people, talk to them, and preach to them, and we would be surprised at the outcome. A Christian who never reaches out to others is a Christian who is ignorant of what he or she has within.

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Jesus Cares; He Wants to Heal You

After listening to the leper’s prayer, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying: “I will, be clean.” In other words, I desire your healing. I want you to be strong and healthy. Sickness, pain and misery do not glorify God. Avoid concluding that God does not care about your condition or that God is punishing you for your sins. Regardless of what you are going through, God only desires the best for you. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

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God Cares; He Makes A Way Where There’s None

We often ask ourselves, “Where do I start? What impact will I even make?” Jesus came to save the whole world, and He had only thirty-three years to live on earth, thirty of which were spent in preparation. Today, the work Jesus began is still changing lives. The good you begin today, no matter how small, could snowball into something great; it might even outlive you.

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According to Your Faith

Jesus asked the two blind men: “Do you believe I can do this?” Whenever you go on your knees to pray, picture God asking you this question, and please answer it sincerely. Was this question necessary? Jesus needed to ask them because the truth is that not all those who cry and shout in prayer have faith. Not all those who say “Lord, Lord” will enter God’s kingdom.

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Seeing is Not Always Believing, but Believing is Seeing

Ironically, while a blind man did not have trouble recognising Jesus as the Son of David (the promised Messiah), many who could see clearly with both eyes had trouble believing that this “son of a carpenter” was the Son of God. How many Catholics can “see” Jesus present, soul and divinity, in the Holy Eucharist? Bartimaeus was blind, but deep inside him, he could see God present in the person of Jesus. This inner sight eventually brought about his physical sight.

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Who is St. Luke, the Evangelist?

Luke heard the call, and he responded. As a doctor, he treated people and cured their diseases. As an Evangelist, he fed their souls with God’s word. As an academic, he wrote a brilliant Gospel after researching and interviewing eyewitnesses. Luke’s Gospel is both historical and revolutionary (concerning the issue of gender equality). Today’s evangelists are not just those wearing cassocks, suits or white garments. Today’s greatest evangelists touch lives right where they are: doctors, lawyers, engineers, information technology experts, businessmen, etc. You, too, are needed here.

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