Some Prayers Are Better Left Unanswered

It is a good thing to aspire to become the Head of your organisation, the Chairman of your community, the President of your group, the CEO of your company, the Bishop, etc. You may be ready to do anything, even to shed your blood like James and John, but you must remember that it is not your ambition or your effort that will get you what you want but the will of God.

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I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

God knows how it feels to be so hungry that you begin to chew paper (or anything that meets your eye). Whether we like it or not, there is hunger in our country today; people are ready to do anything to survive. We may want to judge them like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus and his disciples. However, before pointing fingers at anybody, ask yourself: “What have I done to help?”

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Carry the Yoke that Brings Rest to Your Soul

Are you troubled? Is your heart restless? You can’t find sleep at night? Get down on your knees and talk to Jesus. Go to the Blessed Sacrament and sit before Jesus. Carry His Yoke – Keep doing what is right. However tough as this yoke may seem, it is lighter than the yoke of running to the devil for a solution or abandoning your faith out of annoyance.

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There is No Problem That Prayer Cannot Solve

Jairus believed that Jesus had the power to raise the dead to life, just as the woman suffering from the issue of blood believed that touching the fringe of Jesus’ garment could heal her. Do you believe there is a limit to what God can (or is willing) to do for you? Do you still think there are problems that prayer cannot solve? If God is our husband and we are his spouse, there is no limit to what He is willing to do to protect and provide for us.

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The Narrow Door of Faith

History is filled with examples of people who boasted of their strength and the power of their inventions, only to regret it later. The fact that you have been successful in the past does not give you the right to challenge God. You may not believe in the power of prayers or the possibility of divine intervention but do not insult those who still believe in God.

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Prayer: The Secret of Elijah and Elisha’s Success

God hears our prayers because He loves us, not because we use many words. For instance, can you compare the length of Elijah’s prayer with that of the prophets of Baal when God sent down fire to consume the burnt offerings? Do not let anyone make you believe that you haven’t prayed unless you sweat. Ensure that every word you utter is meaningful.

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Elijah’s Challenge – Our Challenge

God is not interested in quantity; He wants quality. Jesus came to save millions of people, but He chose only twelve disciples. Do not be overwhelmed by the size of your opposition. You might be the only person against a crowd, but with God on your side, you are bigger than the crowd.

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A Divided Kingdom Cannot Stand

The sad reality is that just as the Jews did not believe (even Jesus’ disciples doubted), many Christians today still cannot pick a side as to what they believe - whether the devil or God. Some of us still fear the devil more than God. We must ask ourselves: Which kingdom do I belong to? If I say I belong to God, do I live by the principles of God’s kingdom?

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Heaven Shakes When Righteous People Pray

Reflecting on the life of Prophet Elijah, St. James concludes, "The prayer of a righteous person has great power in its effects.” It is not enough to spend a whole night praying; pay attention to what you do when you are not praying (daily life activities) and strive for righteousness.

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Fake Pastors: Fierce Wolves in Sheep Clothing

Paul looked into the future while addressing the elders (pastors) at Ephesus concerning fake pastors whom he described as ‘fierce wolves.’ Jesus also saw the future when He spoke of the world’s hatred against His disciples. Today, this hatred no longer comes from external forces but from fierce wolves in sheep's clothing operating from within the church

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Chosen By God, Yet Not Indispensable

The office is indispensable, but the office holder can be replaced anytime. No matter the position you occupy, there is someone who can take your place and even do a better job. Do your best, but take it easy; no matter how good you are, you cannot be there forever

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Lessons From Matthias' Election and Jesus' Priestly Prayer

Jesus prays to God to protect us because He knows that as long as we let our light shine as his followers, we cannot escape the hatred of the world. Wouldn’t it be better if God removed us from a world that was hostile to Jesus and continued its hostility against His followers? Here is the twist – even though the world hates us, the world needs us to survive.

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