No Hypocrite Can Enter Heaven

It is one thing to let your light shine, but it is a different thing to pretend to attract the praise and admiration of others. When we truly let our light shine, we do it for God, but when we pretend to be pious, we do it just for ourselves, and we get no reward from God.

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Don’t Sit On the Fence, Choose Where You Belong

Mary and Martha were among the few still on Jesus’ side. They invited Him to their home to express their appreciation for raising Lazarus. Meanwhile, Judas Iscariot represents many Christians today who are sitting on the fence. Outwardly, we pretend to love Jesus, but deep within, we only care about our selfish interests. Where do I belong?

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Cherish Your Integrity: It Is Your Life

Cherish your integrity; stop trying to be two-faced or diplomatic with evil. It is not enough to denounce evil with our lips; we must denounce it with our actions. We must never give anyone the wrong impression. Are you a leader in any capacity? Do you have people looking up to you as their mentor? Then, stop trying to be hot and cold simultaneously. To such persons, God says: “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:14-17)

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Don’t Call Me Father If I Don’t Practice What I Preach

Jesus’s words must never be taken out of context. Jesus is not against the use of titles. No. Jesus is against answering a name that your actions contradict. Don’t call me Father if I am not behaving like one. I don't deserve such titles if I do not practice what I preach. Jesus is against the worship of human beings. If I do what is wrong, be bold enough to call and correct me. Do not say: “Leave him alone. He is next to God.” Jesus says: “Call no man on earth your God. You have only One God who is in heaven!”

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Every Wine Has Its Container

You cannot claim to be a Christian with a bad attitude. You risk losing your Christian Faith and even your very life itself. Again, you cannot be a Christian and still live a life of pretence or show-off, as the case may be. Otherwise, one day your “skin” will burst, and the whole world know you have just been deceiving yourself.

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By Their Fruits, You Shall Know Them

A tree may appear very nice outside, but it is bad if it bears rotten fruits or fails to produce any fruits. It is easy to pretend. It is easy to deceive others. It is easy to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but then, no matter how much we pretend to be who we are not, our fruits will sell us out.

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The Courage of St. Paul

Pretense (unholy diplomacy) is a virus that we all need to delete from our lives. It is also important to point out the fact that Paul did not go about talking about Peter behind his back but addressed Peter to his face. If you lack the courage to tell people their faults to their face, better keep quiet and pray for them. Do not be a coward.

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Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees (Continued).

True change can only begin from the inside. As the saying goes, if you want to change the world, begin with the man you see in the mirror. If my preaching must be of any relevance, I must first do away with my hypocrisy and love for money. I must admit the truth and lead by example so as not to demand certain standards from the people which I am not even willing to meet.

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Who am I? Light or White Washed Tomb

Am I a religious leader who does not practice what he or she is preaching? Do I have skeletons in my cupboard? Am I doing God’s work just for the fame and material benefits? Am I living out the life that my title connotes? These are very important questions for our self-examination today. Jesus said: “whoever exalts himself will be humbled but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:11-12)

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Worship God in Spirit and Truth

If we humans get put off by persons who simply pretend to be our friends when we get to discover their hidden agenda, how much more is God who sees everything; who knows what we do in secret? Jesus wants us to replace our people-centered worship with God-centred worship; to replace eye service with God-service; to become secretive with good deeds rather than evil deeds. We don’t have to announce goodness before people to be rated highly by them but we must ensure that the things we do in our secret places attract the loudest applause of God.

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Home Sweet Home: Truly, there is No Place Like Home

The prodigal son represents that desire in us to grab and grab the material pleasures of the world. That he squandered all he had within a short time shows that all that the world has to offer only lasts for a short time; money reduces in value, beauty fades, things get broken, fame diminishes, love soon turns to hate and so on… In fact, nothing lasts forever on earth! We must never lose sight of our true home; heaven.

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The Danger of the Middle-Way

Are you like Zaccheus, on a treetop, trying to catch a glimpse of Jesus but you lack the courage to renounce your sinful ways? Jesus himself is now the one saying to you: “Come down for I must eat at your house today.”

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