Some of us believe that so long as you have given your life to Christ (received baptism), heaven is sure regardless of what you do. This was the problem Jeremiah addressed in today’s first reading. How do you engage in horrific acts (stealing, murder, adultery, idolatry, etc.) secretly and then come publicly before God in His temple to say, “We are safe”? Do you think God is blind?
Read MoreRegardless of the magnitude of our sins, God never stops loving us; He never stops believing in our inherent goodness. Like the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God never gets tired of waiting for our return. If God were to treat us according to our wickedness, none of us would still be alive. (cf. Psalm 103:10). It is easy to point fingers at others for wickedness. However, the truth is that we would do worse things if we were in their shoes. Before you ask God to kill anyone you consider wicked, why not ask: “Have I killed my wickedness?”
Read MoreInspired by their faith, some persons brought a paralysed man to Jesus. Matthew reports that Jesus ‘saw’ their faith. This means faith in God is visible in our actions before or after praying. A certain village experienced drought for some years. The elders met and decided the entire village would gather in the market square on a certain day to pray for rain. As they were about to begin the prayer, they noticed that only one little girl came with an umbrella. They had all come to pray for rain, but only this girl was expecting rain.
Read MoreWhile others were scared of Paul because they judged him as a bad person who later became a Christian, Barnabas saw in Paul a very good man who had a bad past. In this way, Barnabas acted as the salt of the earth, as Jesus instructs in today’s Gospel passage. Just as salt preserves food (prevents it from going stale), Barnabas helped to preserve whatever good was in Saul until he became Paul.
Read MorePeter prayed in the name of Jesus Christ because he believed in the resurrection. Peter knew that Jesus Christ was fully alive and that Jesus was right there with him. When Peter saw the lame man begging at the beautiful gate, he remembered Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed many of their predicament. Peter knew what Jesus would have done upon seeing the lame man at the beautiful gate.
Read MoreJudas Iscariot behaved as if all was well even after collecting money. When others were asking: “Is it I who will betray you?” Judas joined in the chorus. Judas did not realise Jesus was giving him a last chance to repent.
Read MoreJesus warned the man who had been cured to avoid sin so that nothing worse would happen to him. What else could be worse than suffering for thirty-eight years? What else could be worse than spending half of your lifespan in pain, discomfort, and misery? This is exactly what sin does to us.
Read MoreIf you know that what you plan to do will make you ashamed if the whole world knows about it, then don’t do it. How long will you live in the fear of being discovered? How much longer before that secret deed becomes exposed? Cherish your shame. Let it be your guard against evil.
Read MoreOur first reading today comes from the Book of Prophet Hosea. God instructed Hosea to marry a harlot to demonstrate the idolatrous practices of the Israelite nation. Just as a harlot leaves her husband for other men, we cheat on God when we serve other gods (such as money, power, pleasure, etc.)
Read MoreJust as the Father was merciful to the prodigal son, he showed mercy to the elder brother by stepping out of the banquet to reason with him. What kind of a parent am I? Do I pitch my children against themselves by indirectly (or directly) showing preference?
Read MoreLike the brothers of Joseph in the Old Testament, we could become so overwhelmed by envy that we begin to think that our survival depends on eliminating others. We begin to think that we can only shine when we quench that of others. This is the insanity of the envious mind.
Read MoreNoah preached repentance for one hundred years; only his immediate family agreed to enter the Ark, but Jonah preached for three days, and he succeeded in bringing a whole nation to its knees. What was special about Jonah’s preaching, and why was it extremely effective?
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