Who am I to Jesus? Friend or Client

Today’s first reading comes from the Song of Solomon, a book about married love. This reading depicts Mary Magdalene’s love for Jesus. When the others deserted Jesus at his arrest and crucifixion, Mary Magdalene was one of those who stood beside the cross. Do I stick to my faith (remain with Jesus) even in moments of suffering and pain?

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Rise, Repent, Receive Forgiveness and Proclaim Jesus

The message for you today is: “Rise.” Don’t stay down. Rise! Your sufferings are not a sign of weakness on the part of God. Keep trusting in God. Very soon, your eyes will see, and your mouth will testify that God never sleeps nor slumbers and never turns His back on His children.

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No One Can Fight God and Succeed

God allowed the jailers to secure the prison doors because He wanted to prove to them that there was no chain, padlock, piece of metal, wood, bronze or any created object that could lock up the Gospel. Even those who never heard the Gospel heard that the apostles were imprisoned but found in the temple preaching. In other words, throwing the apostles in prison further helped to spread the Gospel.

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Do You Think God (or The Church) Has Failed You?

In their frustration, the two disciples met Jesus on the way but could not recognise him. They complained: “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21). In other words, they were hoping that Jesus would overthrow the Roman authorities (their colonial masters) and become King of Israel. Jesus said to them: “O foolish men…” Why did Jesus call them foolish?

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Jesus Christ is Risen; What Shall We Do?

fter listening to Peter, the crowd asked: “What are we to do?” This crowd remains a model of how we listen to God’s Words. They did not ask Peter about his degrees or qualifications. They were not concerned about where he came from or his profession. Although most of them were Jews who had come from different parts of the world to celebrate Pentecost, they did not ask Peter to work signs.

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Fear Not; Go and Announce the Good News

When Jesus told the women to tell his brothers to go to Galilee, Jesus meant that his brothers should move from unbelief to faith. Dear friends, we do not need visas to go on a pilgrimage to this special Galilee. As long as we have hearts ready to welcome Jesus like the Galileans and truly believe, we will see Jesus.

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Rise and Shine; Jesus is Alive

Lent is finally over. Am I also in haste to move on with my life? No more Stations of the Cross, no more fasting and abstinence. Am I going to return to my old habits and vices? Mary Magdalene refused to move on. Her actions proved she was a true friend of Jesus. She was among the Women of Jerusalem who wept for Jesus while the crowd cheered and mocked, but when others moved on, she went to the tomb early in the morning

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Unless the Grain Dies, It Bears No Fruits

Has my love for the world made me a sterile Christian? What things must die so I can bear the right fruits? Could it be my desire for comfort or pleasure? The book of Hebrews teaches: “In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” (Hebrews 12:4).

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Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

Today should be a day of joy for us, a day to celebrate the final victory of life over death, a day to celebrate our firm assurance that heaven exists, that just as Christ ascended to heaven, we too shall one day depart this earth and be united with God in heaven. Immediately after the ascension, the disciples entered a mood of prayer in preparation for the Holy Spirit. This is exactly what we must do now.

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Seven Brothers, One Wife

One thing we must learn about this experience is that truth is not limited to what you believe alone. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, yet it is true that we shall all rise from the dead. Create an open mind that is ready to listen to others and learn.

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Cherish the Hope of Rising Again to Life

Is it the case that this very flesh will be given to us again? Yes. Does it mean that at the resurrection, we would be able to recognize each other’s faces? Yes. So, our hands, our eyes, our tongue, etc. would be restored to us again? Yes. Does it then mean we shall be capable of falling in love, getting married, and so on? Jesus says: “Those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die anymore

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The Law of Sowing and Reaping

There are different hearts, the stony heart, the root-less heart, the distracted heart, and the rich heart. There are different ways people respond when they hear the word of God, but the beauty of it all is that the word of God is so powerful that in whatever heart it enters, it does not remain stale. Something must happen.

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