Amend Your Ways: Don’t Trust in Deceptive Words

Some of us believe that so long as you have given your life to Christ (received baptism), heaven is sure regardless of what you do. This was the problem Jeremiah addressed in today’s first reading. How do you engage in horrific acts (stealing, murder, adultery, idolatry, etc.) secretly and then come publicly before God in His temple to say, “We are safe”? Do you think God is blind?

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Worship God with Good Deeds

Do you want your prayers to be heard? God says: “Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” (Isaiah 1:16-17). There is no point moving from Church to Church or subjecting yourself to abuse in the hands of so-called powerful miracle workers; repent from the evil around you, and God will grant your prayers.

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Every Sin is a Rejection of God

We may point fingers at the Israelites, but we only need to look carefully to see the golden calves we have erected around us. Humans tend to turn their most-priced possessions into gods. For the Israelites, it was their gold ornaments. For many today, it is our expensive car (or fleet of cars), wardrobe (containing all kinds of shoes, clothes, wristwatches, etc., items we never use but adore and polish daily).

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Hypocrisy Annoys God

We waste time when we pay more attention to the outside of the cup than the inside. We worship in vain when we seek the applause of people, but we do not merit such applause. We may assume we are following commandments, but in reality, we are offending God.

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We Have Seen His Star and have come to Worship Him

While we celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus on 25 December, we are celebrating today the realisation that God was born in human flesh. Today, we celebrate the realisation of the prophecy of Isaiah as contained in our first reading: “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3).

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Do Not Put Riches Above God

To be rich is not a sin, but when one’s riches come from the rejection of God, such riches are not worth having. If your source of income involves going against God’s commandments, illegalities or worse still, taking the life of others, you have placed riches above God. It is better to be content with little than to derive comfort from ill-gotten wealth. It is better to accept persecution than to lose your soul for money.

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Your Faith Will Bring You Success

You can make this world a better place. Visualise it, believe it is possible, and work it out. Be ready to make whatever sacrifice is required. Your faith will bring you success.

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Love Is Sacrifice

The first and greatest commandment is also intricately connected to the second commandment: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Of course, as St. John says: “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20).

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God desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice.

There is an extent to which our worship of God becomes reduced to the mere observation of rules. This was the problem of the Pharisees. It is like building a mansion and employing a housekeeper. One day, you travel to a distant place and instruct your housekeeper: “Do not let anyone enter this house.” A rule the housekeeper was determined to keep. Upon your return, your housekeeper would not allow you to enter your house because of your instruction.

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Never Try to Challenge God

The story of the Tower of Babel can be likened to the story of the Titanic. It was said about that great ship that “nothing can sink it, not even God.” In the end, the ship sank. Another way we challenge God is by living in total disregard for God’s commandments. I have heard many who argue that Christianity only exists to put fear in our minds and prevent us from using our brains. This was the exact same thing the serpent said to Eve while tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit.

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Offer To God An Acceptable Worship

Jesus calls us to put him first even if it means losing a relationship as close as that between a mother and daughter. To be a Christian is not easy. No wonder there are so many persons who claim to be Christian only by mouth but are not true to what they call themselves.

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You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

From the miraculous birth of children to barren women to the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea by the Nation of Israel when the Egyptians were chasing after them, to the miracles of Jesus in the New Testament such as the feeding of five thousand with just five loaves and two fish, God continues to teach us a lesson in PROVIDENCE. The problem with us humans is that we don’t want to learn, we don’t trust God.

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