For thirty-eight years the man remained there “hoping against hope” that one day, he would enter the pool before anyone else. You may have been trying unsuccessfully to overcome the same sin. Don’t give up. You may have failed countless times but let your answer to Jesus’ question remain: “Yes, I want to be healed.”
Read MoreThe prodigal son represents that desire in us to grab and grab the material pleasures of the world. That he squandered all he had within a short time shows that all that the world has to offer only lasts for a short time; money reduces in value, beauty fades, things get broken, fame diminishes, love soon turns to hate and so on… In fact, nothing lasts forever on earth! We must never lose sight of our true home; heaven.
Read MoreLike the children of Israel who called out to God in prayer when they were suffering in the hands of the Egyptians, the key to fighting sin is prayer. Jesus said: “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8). If asking has to do with praying, seeking has to do with making efforts. Yes, God is interested in the efforts you are making
Read MoreWash the inside of your cup. Believe that you can do without sin. Make efforts like the men who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus through the roof. Let Jesus see your faith and He would reward you with grace to overcome temptation. Don’t look down on yourself.
Read MoreEach time you become enraged at the offenses of others or partake in jungle justice, ask yourself: “Am I also guilty? If I was in this person’s shoes, would I have acted differently?
Read MoreLet us resolve this week to be new in thoughts, new in words, and new in actions. Let us strive to put sin aside, trust God more by obeying his voice to the latter and rise above human pressure. Let us move away from being people-pleasers to God-pleasers.
Read MoreBefore stepping out of your house, ask yourself: “Is my dressing a source of temptation to others?” Before beginning a conversation with a friend or colleague, ask yourself: “Are my choice of words a source of temptation?” As a parent or an adult, before telling a lie, ask yourself: “What would be the fate of this child when he or she gets to know the truth?”
Read MoreWhen your mind is set on things of the flesh, you become hostile to the things of God and you cannot please God but if the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you begin to live a resurrected life even while in your flesh.
Read MoreAs soon as you find yourself in any temptations, do as little children do when they see a wolf or a bear in the country; for straightway they run to the arms of their father or of their mother,
Read MoreUntil we begin to tell ourselves the truth about sin, that its only reward is death, that sin ultimately deprives us of the true pleasures of life, it would remain a great challenge to us.
Read MoreYou can always determine who will be your Master and you can only have one Master. If you desire to be free from slavery to sin, you must subject yourself completely to God.
Read MoreFor Jesus, it is better for a stone to be tied to your neck and you be thrown into the river than to lead one of these little ones astray. A single sin, a single bad example can affect thousands of people around you and even the next generation.
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